GoodvibesEnt. Proudly presents:
Sunday, Sept. 3rd 2006
@ the HiFi concert club
11729 Detroit Ave. Cleveland OH
18 to enter
21 to win! [and by win I mean get uber intoxicated]
10$ at the door
add 3$ for those ages 18-20
I’ve been noticing a bit of bad feelings
in the scene lately so we at goodvibes decided that its time for another go, another reminder that the vibe is still here,
that it doesn’t have to be found in a warehouse or under a bridge. It can still be found right here. It’s the
people that make the vibe, not the venue. So I urge you, once again come and feel the vibe. No drama, no hate, just old fashioned
good vibes.
Sean Apollo – Midland, MI
[Nu Energy Collective, NAHM, Greyscale]
Today Sean Apollo is a host on The North American Hardcore Movement, playing what he loves week after week to hundreds
of fans along side some of North Americas best talents. Apollo is also slowly making himself known through of the production
scene as well. Producing tunes for labels such as Addictive Vinyl, Empyre Records, Kevin Energy's Relentless Vinyl, Master
wax, Ravin Phantasy Records and his own Nu energy digital creation GreyScale Records. His tracks being canned by Big name
DJ's all over the UK, and the United States. With an appearance on Resist's Bonkers 15 album, non arguably the biggest hardcore
album in the world, and his latest appearance on Hardcore Heaven 3 with Apollo and the Acolytes slammer "Clonecore". Sean
Apollo is taking the hardcore scene by storm and plans to bring to Cleveland nothing less then the best.
Dez Drastik – Cuyahoga Falls, OH
[Euphorix, Fader Freekz, GoodvibesEnt.]
DJ Leash – Cleveland, OH
[GoodvibesEnt, hugznotdrugzcrew,]
Trout Soup – Akron, OH
B-KO –
Cleveland, OH
DJ What The Bleep – Bowling Green, OH
[Electronic Enlightenment, 3two Crew, Total Street
knowledge, GoodvibesEnt]
Also, expect the normal amount of crazy mc’s
yelling stuff.
And a second stage housing more dj’s TBA,
or some open decks!
As always, look for free cd’s, whistles,
candy, and more!
We will be recording sets, so be LOUD!!!!!
No Drugz, thugz, or attitudez.
ROAR is in full effect!
For more info updates and all that jazz…
Check out: